Networking in the World of Vocational Training

conferenceThe International Vocational Education and Training Association is a network of organizations that train educators in vocational training. The network includes those organizations that train for skills; companies engaged in business or industry; and other groups or individuals which are interested or involved in training people for jobs throughout the world. IVETA pursues the advancement and improvement of the best possible vocational education and training, all over the world.

In today’s world communications is the key to expansion, growth and improvement. As such IVETA is reaching out to educators, practitioners, researchers and other relevant groups or individuals to join in this international move to develop the planet’s most important resource, human labor and skills.

IVETA sponsors annual international conferences. The conference of 2013 took place in Las Vegas, Nevada, in the United States. In 2014 the conference was divided into two parts: the first part took place in Helsinki, Finland on August 19-21, while the second part happened in St. Petersburg from August 22-23. This conference celebrated IVETA’s 30th anniversary as an organization.

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